We’re thrilled to celebrate the incredible talent and creativity of the vendors who have graced our market with their unique and beautiful gifts. Each of these artisans and creators has brought something truly special to our community, transforming ordinary shopping experiences into memorable moments. From handcrafted jewelry and artisanal foods to bespoke home decor and wellness products, their offerings are a testament to the passion and skill that define our market. Their dedication to quality and creativity has not only enriched our market but also provided you with unforgettable gift-giving options.

J&J Galloway Farms - https://jjgallowayfarm.com/
Urban Prairie Agriculture - https://urbanprairieag.com/
Dandelion Farm And Forage -https://www.instagram.com/dandelionfarmandforage/
Tiny Mighty Greens - https://tinymightygreens.com
Farm Fresh to You - https://www.farmfreshtoyou.com/
Mico’s Micro Farm - Www.micosmicrofarm.com
Mush Better Mushrooms - https://www.mushbettermushrooms.com/
Misfit Mushrooms LLC - Misfit-mushrooms.com
Desert Castle Bees - www.desertcastlebees.com
Baked Goodies
Keda’s Comfort Kitchen - www.kedascomfortkitchen.com
Miscellaneous Kitchen - Miscellaneouskitchen.com
La Casa De La Empanada - https://www.instagram.com/lacasadelaempanadaslc/
Grandma Heavens Banana Bread -https://www.instagram.com/grandma_heavens_bb/
Chunky Cookies - Chunkycookies.us
Empanadas801 - https://www.empanadas801.com/
Your Local Bread B**** - Yourlocalbreadb.com
Wasatch Mountain Bakery - https://wasatchmountainbakery.com/
Kyookie - Kyookie.co

Epicurean Delights
The Salted Roots - www.thesaltedroots.com
Flaming Homer's Hot Sauce - www.flaminghomers.com
Romy's Juice Spa - romysjuicespa.com
Nutty Bavarian of Utah -https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558932698110
Sinful Food LLC -Www.sinfulfood.com
The Chocolate Conspiracy - Eatchocolateconspiracy.com
Sooo Good Lemonade - sooogoodlemonade.com
Gullinn Kurt -info@ensignharvest.com
Hidden Oak Gourmet Creamery- Hiddenoakgourmetcreamery.com
Erlindas Authentic Salsa - Erlindasauthenticsalsa.com
Bright & Stormy Kids - https://www.instagram.com/bright.stormy.kids/
Spotted Fawn Baby Co - https://spottedfawnbabyco.etsy.com
Marie lisette - Marielisette.com
Pet Wants North Salt Lake - PetWantsNorthSaltLake.com
Jake’s Bakes Dog Treats - Jakesbakesllc.com

Foreverbyash - Instagram.com/foreverbyash
The Crafty Little Llama - Thecraftylittlellama.com
Barefoot Soul - https://barefootsoul.love
Diffuse Your Health - www.DiffuseYourHealth.com
Dama - https://www.instagram.com/dama
The Traveling Stones - Www.travelingstones.com
Nao Ring Company - nao-ring-co.myshopify.com
Zego jewelry co. - Zego jewelry co.
MadShy Hair Co - https://madshyhairco.glossgenius.com/
Chesley Jewelry, LLC - www.chesleyjewelry.com
Salt and Wild Souls - Www.saltandwildsouls.com
Earth Metal Alchemy -https://www.instagram.com/earth_metal_alchemy
Wicked Jewels- www.wicked-jewels.com
Gypsy Garden- Gypsygarden.Etsy.com
Clothing & Vintage
Premo Ideas and Design - https://premoideasanddesign.etsy.com
LoaKai Boardshorts - https://loakai.com/collections/boardshorts
Juni Jems - https://www.instagram.com/juni.jems/
Web honey - https://www.instagram.com/_webhoney/
Nox Tie Dye - noxtiedye.etsy.com
Owl Eye Vintage - https://instagram.com/owl.eye.vintage
Juah Apparel - https://juahapparel.com/
ThriftyCammys - https://www.instagram.com/thriftycammys
Whole Kat and Caboodle - https://www.instagram.com/Thewholekatandcaboodle
Body Care
Mainly Metaphysics- https://mainely-metaphysics.square.site
Naturally NaQuai- www.naturallynaquai.com
Via ESP - www.bywayofesp.com
Luminous Healing - Http://OurLuminousHealing.Net
Olive and Oak Apothecary - Oliveandoakapothecary.com
Glosses by Sharlyn - GlossesbySharlyn.com